Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An ambitious idea...

This summer I plan to embark on an epic journey. I want to drive approximately 6000 miles in solitude, to clear my head, de-stress , do some soul searching and occasionally do a little sightseeing, camping and four-wheeling. I'll be driving my 2008 Jeep and documenting my experiences here using all kinds of technology.

So fa I am excused from work the last two weeks of June. I'm hoping for 2 more weeks of comp time on the front end. Preliminary stops are Lancaster, PA; Oshkosh, WI; Mt. Rushmore, SD and Pine, CO. I haven't worked on a route home yet.

So check in often, feel free to comment or offer suggestions and criticisms.

Thanks! Tim

PS: That's not MY jeep... But mine will be VERY similar by the time I embark on this journey!


  1. It must be nice to have no worries and just hit the road; hopefully gas will still be around 2-bucks and not over $4 like last summer.

    Starting from Lancaster.... makes me think that a half hour before you leave a glass of milk and a nice slice of shoe-fly-pie will be good for sustain someone for a few hours.

  2. Go man go.
    #1 piece of advice? Pull over and sleep BEFORE the sleep deprivation hallucinations start, no, really!
    I'll find the pics of my psycho doomsday Blazer/trailer set up from the 95' trek out.
    Get a dog ?!?
    Have fun, good luck, D. Man

  3. YOU GO TIMMAAAAAAAY !!!!!!! Glad to be a stop over point! You have a pitcher og Ice COLD Antler Ale waiting at the Bucksnort Saloon !
    ( www.thebucksnort.com )Lets get the Jeeps to some cool Colorado 4x4 trails!!

  4. Thanks Guys... No shoo-fly-pie, but I will load up at the Lancaster Cracker Barrel right by Mom's place! mmmmmm sausage gravy n biscuits!
